20 Books Every Computer Science Student Should Read Adds New Book: Will Computers Revolt?

Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

EIN Presswire: 3/11/19. Annapolis,MD — “Computer science is one of the hardest and most intellectually challenging subjects to take. The specialization within it means entire areas are inaccessible to even talented computer scientists. Here are 20 suggestions of books you should read…to have a more broad understanding of the subject,” says Taegan Lion HERE This list includes Will Computers Revolt? A new book detailing the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in an easy-to-read format of what and how humanity should prepare for the impending revolution.

“All of us—not only scientists, industrialists, and generals—should ask ourselves what we can do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits of future AI and avoiding the risks.” --Stephen Hawking. Here is what the press is saying about Will Computers Revolt?: Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence.

Kirkus Reviews Magazine selected Will Computers Revolt? to be featured in Kirkus for reviews of notable books. An excerpt, “A bold and rigorous contribution to the literature on an increasingly important scientific subject.” —Kirkus Reviews. Link HERE

ENGADGET.com, a technology news and review series -- Hitting the books, writes-up Will Computers Revolt? Quote, “If humans can possess consciousness, there's no reason machines can't too…interesting, thought provoking”…Link: HERE

Boston Commons says…”There is a lot of excitement about artificial intelligence” and an article is adapted from Will Computers Revolt? Link: HERE

Author Background: Charles J. Simon (more HERE ) Will Computers Revolt? is written by nationally recognized computer software/hardware expert and AI pioneer, Charles Simon. He is noted for two generations of CAD, the creation of two Artificial Intelligence Systems, neuroscience, along with software for EEGs. Also, Mr. Simon has co-founded several pioneering technology companies. Previous publications include a book on Computer Aided Design, numerous technical articles, book contributions with write-ups in Newsweek and other media. Mr. Simon is a member of IEEE, TripleNine, Intertel, Mensa, AAAI and AAAS. Mr. Simon is also an active and engaging speaker.
